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The History of Scripture Research

By Esther Wartena
(This information was gleaned from the meticulously kept records of Nevin Wetzel.)

The dreams of Mrs. Sadie P. Ewalt, a member of the Atascadero Memorial Church were realized sometime after 1946. Ralph Isbell was her pastor until her death. She left $100,000.00 in a fund to start the Ewalt Memorial Bible School. Ralph Isbell began a biblical correspondence school. Russ Schaefer became director of EMBS. He occasionally took in students who then lived with Russ and his wife, Be. Russ began to give them insight into the scriptures. One of the students was Andy Hollier, pastor in Australia. The teaching and studies developed into publications.

04-19-53 First recorded minutes for Ewalt Memorial Bible School.

07-19-55 The doctrine of belief was stated: "The Board of Directors went on record as favoring the Acts 28 position as the revelation of The Mystery of The One Body of Christ, The Church which is His Body. Plans were made to build the teaching around that principle."

12-29-55 The estate of Sadie P. Ewalt donated $100,000 to EMBS.

3-29-56 Constitution and By-laws were drawn and approved for EMBS.

07-19-61 Ralph Isbell passed away. Three months later, Dr. John A. Verleur, pastor of the First Berean Church in Paterson, New Jersey was contacted to be the Director of EMBS.

09-01-63 Amendment to Articles of Incorporation was made: "ARTICLE II: That the name of EMBS shall be Ewalt Memorial Bible School and Seminary."

03-01-64 Dr. Verleur discontinued his involvement with EMBS&S. He was hired at a college in Santa Ana, California and did not have time for both schools. The name was changed back to EMBS. During this time Dick and Esther Wartena received the first copy of Scripture Research (written by Russ Schaefer Ray Psalmonds and Charles Asbell. It was then decided to invite Russ Schaefer to be the director. He accepted.

05-09-64 Scripture Research, Inc. (SR) and EMBS merged. Russ Schaefer was chosen to lead the merger. The new headquarters were to be in Atascadero, California.

04-29-76 The name of the organization changed its name from EMBS to SR.

05-02-76 Russ Schaefer stressed the importance of "holding fast to our original SR doctrinal statement which is:

2nd Timothy 3:16 - Divine Inspiration of the Word of God.

2nd Timothy 2:15 - Divine principle of rightly dividing for principle of understanding.

Philippians 2:16 - Holding forth the Word of Life.

09-28-76 The State of California officially recognizes the name change from EMBS to SR.

09-27-99 Russ Schaefer passed away.

11-06-99 Scripture Research moves its headquarters to Riverside, California.

Dr. Charles Asbell retired from the Board in 2016, naming Forrest Cottrell, the former Vice President, to replace him.

While the current Riverside, CA location is named as the Headquarter location for Scripture Research, conferences will be held in Yorba Linda, CA. Book inventory will remain in storage in Riverside, CA.
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